As title said, today is, I mean yesterday was my 1st time celebrating Christmas in other day than 25th of December. Our hostel had this Christmas in July event yesterday night. According to what they said, the real Christmas is in the summer at Australia. It's quite hot to celebrate Christmas. So they celebrate Christmas in the middle of winter. Isn't it nice? Too bad there was no snow in Hobart. Normally we have roast for Wednesday dinner, either Chicken, Pork, Beef or Lamb. But yesterday not only we had roast beef, we had roast turkey and ham for dinner as well too!
Because we had Psychology class today, although we finished slightly earlier then normal time, King Wei, Sean & Chris were all sitting in the dinning area waiting for us to arrive. There is a sparkling juice on the table and they didn't open it just because they wanted to wait for us. So considerate la you guys! I believe not only me, Jun Yu and Jacob definitely appreciate it. At first nobody dare to open the bottle, so I made my move. I try to push the cork out but it doesn't work. Then only King Wei said maybe we need to twist the cork to loose it before pushing it out. Then Jacob lend me a hand to twist the cork. He made it half way but he stop. I was like: Why don't you straight away open it up? Haha. Then he pass the bottle back to me again. I was a bit afraid but I just give it a try. Suddenly, "pop"! The bottle is opened and the bubbles flow out like a fountain. It accidentally dripped on my jeans. Hope it doesn't smell. Then our table just shout: " YAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMSENG!!!!" The "Seng" part we kinda like feel ashame then we lower our volume a bit. Who knows, Joie and the gang from the other side of the dinning room said, "What is that?" And then both of our table just scream it out loud. Damn Asian!! XD All the locals was like "what the heck are they doing?", "are they nuts?" face.
The sparkling juice that we have! :D |
After finished our dinner, Bob disguised into a Santa Claus to give out present. He called some peoples name and asked them to sit on his thighs and he started to story their embarrassing moments. Most of them are quite funny. One of them was high school kids had a party in the midnight and for no reasons they slept in the garden not in their room. According to so called "Santa" they climb out through window. lol. And there is one more guy named Taz? "Santa" said one day when supervisor had their morning call, the supervisor found out that this guy Taz is not in his room but in another people's room. Without shirt! LoL!!! And when the supervisor asked him why you are not wearing any shirt he answer was, " Because I'm hot!". He was in his girlfriend's room I believe and "Santa" asked his girlfriend out and asked, "is Taz hot?" haha! There is lot's more but I can't really remember all of it. Then "Santa" give everyone presents and do you know what I get? A magnifying glass. = =" A super big one. I'm very ugly in this picture, but I don't care. : P
After dinner we had like a small gathering in the Goanna's lounge area discuss about end of the year trip. Hope we all get to do as what we plan. We need more bonding!! Haha... That's all for today. Maybe will upload more pictures tomorrow. Gd 9!
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