Friday, April 24, 2015

Lucky 的一天 :D

Yesterday night when we are all in uni, suddenly Jimmy asked Eric do he want to go with him and Gina to have breakkie with Lam Tai, and in the end Eric asked all of us want to go or not, and a goose and moth story came out. Bad Eric made Gina cry again, hahaha.... Not really la, but never mind, I just write it here so that next time I will remember the story again. 

So in the end, 6 of us went to visit Lam Tai. I have no idea what time do we need to meet with Jimmy, so I just slept till I woke up naturally, who knows I dreamt of the assignment that I submitted yesterday, and I realised that I did it wrongly :OOO Luckily after I email Craig, he is willing for letting me resubmit my assignment again :D Phew... They said a lot of people failed QM... I am now worried about myself T.T Hope I can get pass for this whole unit... 

Tonight I'm working again, but luckily, tonight have not much customers, but they came in slowly, so I work till 10pm. Apart from that, I got $5 from tonight! Yippeeee :D Although I'm a bit blur blur today... A bit 心不在焉... Dunno where it went d... haha XD So sorry Gary and Hannah.. I won't be like that on Sunday again :) I got two days off from tomorrow, and still got a lot of church stuff haven't been done :O... Must get it done by tomorrow! GOGOGOGOGO!!! 

『Your faith, being much more precious than gold . . . may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ. —1 Peter 1:7

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