Saturday, April 25, 2015


Haizzz... The moment I woke up this morning I realised that my whole day gonna be shitty. :/ I originally wanted to wake up around 8.00am like that to join Mainly Music. Who knows the moment I read my clock, it was writing 09:59am... =.=" But who else I can blame, I am the one who chose to sleep late by the night before, I watched Naruto till around 2.00am only went to bed. My body now is automatic sleep till 8h, cannot be lesser or more. Just now they said tomorrow 10am go Pcla's house gather and go city together, now probably can't wake up before 10am dy. @@

Apart from that, today Ms. Li announce who is the winner among the 3 presenters, our group won, with 11 ballets, and others group got 6 each. I am really surprised that we won, even thou we have like 4 ballets from us, 1 from Kingsley, and another from Betina (I accidentally saw her ballet when she submitted), by that only got 6, still got another 5. Actually I think we can do better, especially using some Western example, and should use more time to rehearsal, but in the end we only got this, and I think Ms. Li maybe a little disappointed. Hope can do better next time if I got the chance><

And oh shit, I forgot about the meeting time I had with Nenagh, the Psychology units advisor... T.T Totally forget about that, I feel so sorry, but I couldn't do more than emailed her I'm sorry about that. Hope she won't get too bad impression on me. >< Really sorry. I'm not on purpose.

Tonight we had Samuel Green to have a talk about engaging with Islam, and I'm the pianist of tonight's worship team. Hoven brought a new song, at least I never heard before. At first the song sounds weird to me, but now I actually liked it. It's called Oceans (Where Feet May Fail). The talk is all about how to spread gospel to Muslims, just one main thing, don't use the word "BIBLE", must use the ancient way of naming the separate books in the bible, such as Gospels, Psalms etc. Hmmm... After the talk, Yeevon and Han? said they think Samuel is a bit too extreme in saying how things are. The main reason I think is because they do not 100% believe in bible yet, and Samuel's POV is coming from we all believe Bible is true. Hope we can help them, as a friend to know God better. We had discussion for sister night after the talk, it didn't went really smoothly, and I think it is all because I didn't prepare well, and discussed these with William. It's just around the corner, and how should I improvise? May God give me strength and wisdom, to organise and make this event an activity that could bring glory to God. May God pull me away from all the distraction I got from the world, and cleanse me with your Holy Spirit, so I can become pure and humble in front of You. I am willing to hand in myself, to work in your way, to be a part of God's wonderful planning. Amen!

*Today saw a tree with bright red leaves, makes me can't stop to praise the wonder and beauty of our God.

Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. —Romans 12:1

Friday, April 24, 2015

Lucky 的一天 :D

Yesterday night when we are all in uni, suddenly Jimmy asked Eric do he want to go with him and Gina to have breakkie with Lam Tai, and in the end Eric asked all of us want to go or not, and a goose and moth story came out. Bad Eric made Gina cry again, hahaha.... Not really la, but never mind, I just write it here so that next time I will remember the story again. 

So in the end, 6 of us went to visit Lam Tai. I have no idea what time do we need to meet with Jimmy, so I just slept till I woke up naturally, who knows I dreamt of the assignment that I submitted yesterday, and I realised that I did it wrongly :OOO Luckily after I email Craig, he is willing for letting me resubmit my assignment again :D Phew... They said a lot of people failed QM... I am now worried about myself T.T Hope I can get pass for this whole unit... 

Tonight I'm working again, but luckily, tonight have not much customers, but they came in slowly, so I work till 10pm. Apart from that, I got $5 from tonight! Yippeeee :D Although I'm a bit blur blur today... A bit 心不在焉... Dunno where it went d... haha XD So sorry Gary and Hannah.. I won't be like that on Sunday again :) I got two days off from tomorrow, and still got a lot of church stuff haven't been done :O... Must get it done by tomorrow! GOGOGOGOGO!!! 

『Your faith, being much more precious than gold . . . may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ. —1 Peter 1:7

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Long time no see!!!

It's been a long time since the last time I was here. Hmm... Maybe 2-3 years ago?
Ohhh all the memories flushing back to my mind.... :)

Haha... I don't know how long I'll keep writing this time, but since I'm back here, might as well write something down? :)
Yesterday night was a long night, I spent the whole night trying to figure out how to do my assignment but in vain. All I did was watched 百变大咖秀 and 我是歌手3总决赛… The final was 3h long and I watched till the end -.-" In the end didn't get to write a thing for my assignment. Don't know why lately my body had used to sleep early, I couldn't concentrate well when I tried yesterday. So I ended up staying in uni overnight. I slept on the chairs and I thought all of them will leave at sometime during the night, who knows when I woke up I saw Eric was there sleeping, accompanying me though he had no assignment nor anything. I had no idea since when we stop communicating much, we spent more time quarrelling instead, but the moment I saw he is there my heart feels so warm. It just like what my previous post wrote, he will always be there for me, ok la, maybe not always, now he spent more time with Tiffany and Gynette XD Just felt that I'm able to know him is one of God's blessing too. <3 <3  Thank you Eric!! (I couldn't say thank you in front of you, it just feels so weird, but this is my blog so it's ok!)